Parent Involvement
The teachers, paraprofessionals, support staff and administrators are committed to equal access of a quality education for all students at Atwater Avenue Elementary School. We understand that the education of our students requires the efforts of all stakeholders and that strong parent involvement is crucial to increased academic performance, improved attendance and a more positive attitude about school. We also understand that successful parent involvement programs involve the long-term involvement of parents in a variety of ways.
Parent Involvement Statement
Six interrelated components are comprised in our policy: (1) parent participation, (2) communication, (3) parent training, (4) community resources, (5) policy guidelines and mandates, and (6) monitoring and evaluation.
In addition to these six components, the Parent/Community Outreach Coordinator (Categorical Programs Coordinator) will seek to foster a cooperative relationship between the school, parents and community by directing all parental and community support towards creating and supporting a Standards Based Learning Environment. The Coordinator will accomplish this goal through overseeing all parent participation activities addressed in this plan. The Coordinator will also assist parents and community members in becoming involved in the fundamentals of reading and promote the home reading.
1. Parent Participation Activities
- Convening an annual meeting to inform all parents of their school’s participation in Title 1 and to explain the requirements of such participation and the right of parents to be involved.
- Soliciting parents’ suggestions in the planning and development of the local school plan.
- Filling out applications indicating parent’s interest to be involved in volunteer at the school-wide level.
- Using parents as volunteers in the classrooms and to assist in special projects.
- Recognizing time donated through a planned Parent Volunteer/Participation Awards event.
- Organizing and running after school events to purchase special items for the school.
- Wearing nametags and/or school issued jackets identifying parent volunteers.
- Organizing periodic school-wide clean up and beautification activities for parents.
2. Communication
- Oral and written notification to parents regarding parent-teacher conferences in languages they readily understand.
- Oral and written notification to parents regarding monthly meetings of the Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (CEAC) and English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC).
- Making annual school profiles and standardized test results available to parents.
- Using parent surveys as part of a needs assessment.
- Sharing and developing with parents the goals and the implementation of the school’s instructional plan which includes annual budget priorities.
- Participating in the planning and development of the annual budget.
- School Newsletter will be created.
- Personal contact with parents through the PSA Counselor and assistant, school Counselor and Psychologist.
3. Parent Training - Curriculum and Standards
- Training parents in the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure students progress and the proficiency levels the students are expected to meet.
- Inviting parents to participate in training activities related to student academic achievement as in California Standards Test and CAT/6 data analysis and portfolio conferencing.
- Conducting group meetings that offer guidance and direction to the school’s parent leaders regarding school plans/programs, policies, budgets, school needs, etc.
- Encouraging the PHBAO, CEAC, and ELAC to develop leadership qualities through attending zone cluster and district level meetings.
- Featuring parent training that includes the importance of student testing, test taking skills, and offers cross-cultural awareness.
- Offering hands-on computer training
- Offering English language classes
- Inviting parents to participate in after-school science and math activities with their children.
- Inviting parents to biannual book fairs by opening the fairs after school.
Parent Training – Strategies
- Using teachers and support staff who work effectively with parents to provide materials and assistance in implementing home-based educational activities that reinforce classroom instruction and student motivation.
- Encouraging parents to share their strengths at parent training sessions.
- Supporting cluster and district ongoing parent trainings by dispensing information, and assisting with registration and transportation of parents to parent meetings and conferences.
4. Community Resources
- Making all school facilities accessible to parents and community in accordance with Board Rules.
- Providing parent volunteers a liaison to which they can ask questions and give support and guidance.
- Providing parent involvement opportunities for interested parents and the training they may need.
- Maintain and staff a parent involvement room.
5. Policy Mandates and Guidelines
- Offering a parent involvement component to every existing program, i.e., Title 1, English Learners, School Improvement.
- Informing parents of their right to request information on the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teacher and paraprofessional.
- Planning parent involvement activities that meet the needs of Spanish-speaking parents.
- Scheduling Parent-Teacher conferences on a regularly scheduled basis regarding student academic progress.
- Scheduling and advertising annual Back-to-School and Open House activities.
- Including parents in the development of a School-Parent Compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff and students share the responsibility for improved student achievement and the means by which the school and parents will develop a partnership to help students achieve the State standards.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
- Involving parents in an ongoing evaluation and modification of the school-wide instructional program monthly through the CEAC, ELAC, and Consolidated School Site and Leadership Councils.
- Scheduling opportunities for parents to observe in classrooms in order to articulate with other stakeholders regarding program weaknesses and strengths.
Involving parents in the annual evaluation, revision and updating of this parent involvement policy to determine the effectiveness of this policy in improving the academic quality of the school, including barriers to greater parent participation.